Problem Definition - N-Division-2018-19-even/Repo-7 GitHub Wiki

Problem Definition: 📃

  • Need Statement: Sorting Machine.

  • Designers:Siddharth.A.Vankudre (1405), Sanath.G (1454), P.Akash (1436), Sanjeev Dastikopp (1456).

  • Clients: Madhu Asundi.

  • Users: Warehouse Workers.

Questions: ❓ Question Such As Answer This Question helps the designer to
1 What the sorting machine should do Sort objects based on different colour objectives
2 Does the system should have storage facility for sorted objects Yes objective
3 People of what age are going to use the machine. User above 15 age must be able to use the machine/ User friendly objectives
4 Is the operation of the machine is manual or automatic the operation of the machine is automatic objectives
5 What must be the size of the machine economical size is preferred in the range of 2 * 2 * 2 ft constraints
6 Maximum cost of the machine maximum cost of the machine is 4000 Constraints
7 What is the size of the object that has to be sorted 2 constraints
8 What is maximum number of objects it can sort 2 to 3 items constraints
9 Whether it must give the notification of completion of sorting? Yes Functions
10 whether the sorted objects should be place in the assigned containers? Yes Function

Observation from Lit Survey :🔍

No. Observation Requirements
1 Based on the observation of existing machines, machine should work automatically. The Operation of machine is automatic
2 Based on the number of objects it can sort. It should sort maximum of two/three different kinds of objects
3 Weight of the machine. Uses light weight building materials (4Kg)
4 Based on the observation of existing machines,colour sensing components should be used colour sensing components(CCD sensors)

Identify client's objectives

  1. Machine should Operate automatically
  2. Storage must be provided to store the objects.
  3. Machine should of portable
  4. Machine should be user friendly.
  5. Use of standard parts.

1.2 Prioritize the identified design objectives 🔢

Objectives cost efficient operates automatically User friendly score
cost efficient ****** 0 0 0
operates automatically 1 ****** 1 2
User friendly 1 0 ****** 1

Rank the objective in order of decreasing value of importance and the list is:

1.Operates automatically 2.User freindly 3.Cost efficient

Problem Definition Version 1.1 📓

Design a user friendly sorting machine which should operate automatically.The machine should have a storage facility and must be durable.Machine should be handled by users above age 15.

Identify The Constraints

  • The cost of the machine should be less rhan Rs 4000/-
  • Machine should be the approximate size of 2 * 2 * 2 square feet
  • Weight of the machine should be less than 4kg.
  • Machine should have the capacity to store minimum 4-5 objects to be sorted.
  • objects to sorted should be less than 2 sq cm.

Problem Definition Version 1.2

Design a sorting machine which should operate automatically.the the machine should have a storage facility,Machine should be handled by users above age 15,and the machine must cost within Rs 4000/- of size within(2 * 2 * 2)ft ,weight less than 4kg and should have the capacity to store minimum 4-5 objects to be sorted,objects to sorted should be less than 2 sq cm..

Establish Functions

  • Sensing color of the objects.
  • Sorting of the material based on color.
  • Machine must give notification after completion of sorting.
  • After sorting objects based on colour are placed in respective assigned container.

Problem Definition Version 1.3

Design a sorting machine which should operate automatically.the the machine should have a storage facility.Machine should be handled by users above age 15,and the machine must cost within Rs 4000/- of size within(2 * 2 * 2)ft ,weight less than 4kg and should have the capacity to store minimum 5-6 objects to be sorted.After the sorting process is completed,the object must go in to the assigned container.