Gathering Pertinent Information - N-Division-2018-19-even/Repo-7 GitHub Wiki

Gathering Pertinent Information 🥇


Sorting is any process of arranging items systematically, and has two common, yet distinct meanings:

ordering: arranging items in a sequence ordered by some criterion; categorizing: grouping items with similar properties.

The most common uses of sorted sequences are:

1.It helps in searching the things efficiently.

2.Enables processing of data in a defined order.

So for the above sorting process to be done,some machines are designed known as SORTING MACHINE.1(

Sorting Machines are used to sort the things based on colours,shape,size and weight of the product.The machine can e controlled by the various means such as:

  • Bluetooth
  • Remote Controlled
  • Path Driven.

Existing solutions 📃

There are many solutions to sort things based on different purposes like cash sorting machines,materials of same colours sorting machine,there are machines which sorts the parcels based on their weights used by couriers.

Cash Sorting Machines In Banks.

Since there are many cash transactions happening in the banks everyday,large amount of cash is deposited or withdrawn everyday.The calculation becomes easy if the notes are seperated according to different denominations,so cash sorting machines are used.2(

Colour Sorting Machine.

Colour sorting machines are used on many products,one major example is rice colour sorting machine.A rice color sorting machine, also named rice colour sorter, separates rice grains according to color differences in raw rice arising from anomalies like bits of stone, bad rice, black rice, half-husked rice, etc. A high-resolution CCD optical sensor drives a mechanical sorter to separate different granular materials.Removing such impurities in this process improves the quality of the rice.3(

Weight Based Sorting Machine.

This type of sorting machines are used to sort materials according to their weight.For example fruits of same weight are seperated in different bins.The above example can be seen in this vedio

DIY Projects:

1.Aurdino based colour sorting machine.

2.Aurdino based bottle cap separetor.

3.Automatic Waste segregation based on aurdino.

  1. Arduino chip sorting machine with color recognition and robotic arm, Fischertechnik.

  2. color sorting machine.

List Of Components Requried 🛠

Sl.No Components or parts used Mechanism / working Principle Identifed links
1 Arduino Uno It's a microchip
2 Bluetooth works on master/slave communication principle
3 Breadboard Basic electronic assembly of the robot
4 Spur Gears
5 D.C.Battery Power Supply
6 D.C Motors
7 Gripper Holds the object properly
8 Sensors Detects the colour of the object
9 Wires
10 weight sensors Detects the weight of the object


Sl. No. Commodity Online Price Range Retail Price Range
1 Ardunio Uno 300-600 400- 800
2 Bluetooth 350-600 450-700
3 Breadboard 120-400 220 - 500
4 Spur Gears 320-350 400-500
5 D.C. Battery 300-350 400-450
6 Sensors ------- 800-850
7 Wires 40 -50 40-50
8 DC motors 150 300
9 Gripper 100-200 200-500
10 Total 2000- 3500 3200- 5150

References 📖


[2] Mr.Innovative ( july 26 ,2017) (

[3] Cehic 1994 (july 10,2016) (

[4] Innospire ( october 8,2018) (


