Black box and glass box - N-Division-2018-19-even/Repo-15 GitHub Wiki

Definition ( version 1.3) : Design a tank that is gesture controlled, electrically well insulated, is safe with enough space to store missiles and easy to use, with specific number of gestures, limited range of wireless transmission, limited size of the tank and limited line of sight with features auto location of target, sense of temperature and humidity (detection), image modulation, the body must be fire resistant and has to be build in an affordable range of price.

black box

screenshot 12

Function structure:

functions uses
sensors collection of data, data transmission, data reception & data processing
sensors in locomotion sensor IR, transmission of signals & proper locomotion
coding of programs insertion of codes, auto-location of targets, codes for fixing the targets & code for launching missiles
movement of missile launching unit vertical movement(upward and downward), horizontal movement(left and right) & free angle movement

Functional Tree:

screenshot 18

Functions and user interaction:

Function|user interaction data collection:

user actions system behavior
data input data collection(humidity,imaging etc)
sensors in locomotion it helps the tank to analysis the path
coding of programs it performs the functions such as auto-location,fixing and hitting the target
movement of the missile launching unit it gives the tank flexibility to shoot

Glass box:

screenshot 16

Morphological chart:

Functions means 1 means 2 means 3
sensors sensors on-line nitrogen analyzers triggering configured scenes
locomotion chain drives normal wheels
coding raspberry pi aurdino Onion Omega2Plus
movement of missile launching unit Ring laser gyroscope Flux switching alternator Electronic counter-countermeasure

Conceptual Designs

![](whatsapp image 2019-02-13 at 1 37 47 pm

whatsapp image 2019-02-13 at 1 45 09 pm

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whatsapp image 2019-02-13 at 11 48 07 am

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