Customizing theme - MythikAngel/miku-discord-theme GitHub Wiki

Customizing the theme colors

  1. Open the downloaded theme file with a text/code-editor like Notepad++
  2. Change the --main-color and --highlight-color values to your own liking (you can use this Color Picker to pick a color)
  3. (Re)start Discord (pressing Ctrl+R also works)

Customizing square or round avatars

  1. Open the downloaded theme file with a text/code-editor like Notepad++
  2. Change the --avatar-radius to either 0px (theme default) for square avatars, 50px (Discord default) for round avatars, or somewhere in between for rounded corners
  3. (Re)start Discord (pressing Ctrl+R also works)

Other customizations

The following customizations aren't added to the client theme by default, but can be manually added below the variable customizations. Add them each on a new line below --avatar-radius in :root.

Code block font

The theme makes code blocks use a font with programming ligatures (Fira Code). If you don't want that you can change the font with. --codeBlockFont: <font> replacing <font> with your desired font.

Default value: 'Fira Code', Consolas,Andale Mono WT,Andale Mono,Lucida Console,Lucida Sans Typewriter,DejaVu Sans Mono,Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,Liberation Mono,Nimbus Mono L,Monaco,Courier New,Courier,monospace.

Code block opacity

The opacity of code blocks is pretty dark in order to make code more readable. This can be changed with --codeBlockOpacity: <opc>. Where <opc> is replaced with a number between 0 (totally transparent) and 1 (not transparent at all).

Default value: 0.7.

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