pAI Camera Jack - MystLeissa/The-Girly-Station GitHub Wiki
This was an incomplete feature in the base /tg/station 13 codebase; I enabled it - fixed it a bit and made it work. Basically like the door jack program you can now extend a cable to jack into Cameras, after jacking in (which uses the same 2-person interaction as the door jack) the PAI can view the camera networks the jacked camera is associated with. Think of it as a worm for the camera networks. There are a couple of quirks to be aware of:
- There is a bug where the first time you select a camera from the list it won't take; I have tried relentlessly to fix this to no avail.
- If the PAI is dragged away from the spot their cable is hooked into they will disconnect from the camera network as it retracts.
- The code is HIGHLY based on the basic Camera Terminal, and as such it can present a /very/ long list of cameras to cycle through in the (highly likely) event the camera is connected to the "ss13" network.
- Unlike the Camera Terminal PAI can take pictures through the camera jack using their software suite. I'm not 100% sure why this works but it does.
- The PAI needs to download the now enabled "Camera Jack" software to make use of the camera jack - this software costs 10 Pts.