Traitor Changes - MystLeissa/The-Girly-Station GitHub Wiki

Traitor Items that have been previously locked behind high player counts have been lowered to 2 - 3 player minimal. The result being that we remain true to our goal of supporting low pop servers.

Additionally I added the Girly Toolbox which is a Bundle that can contain 6 items which could potentially be the following sets:

Set A:

  • Lockable Schoolgirl Uniform (Pink) [See Below]
  • Winter Boots
  • Sleepy Pen
  • Special Human Pet Collar [See Below]

Set B:

  • Girl Radio
  • Girl Firing Pin
  • F.R.A.M.E. Cartridge
  • Stun Baton

Both sets have a 25% Chance of including (real) insulated gloves. (compared to 5% on electrical Tool Kits). If you do not receive insulated gloves you will receive Pink Gloves with "half" electrical protection instead. Pink Gloves also protect against disease to a minor degree (not as much as Latex Gloves but more than standard gloves). Pink Gloves leave fingerprints similar to latex.

Additionally regardless of which set you acquire it WILL contain a Knock-off Radio Jammer. These have half the range of the normal syndicate jammer you can buy from the Uplink Store but can still be useful.

The Special Human Pet Collar causes it's wearer to gain the "Monkeylike","Pacifisist", "Trapped" and "Dumb" Traits. It also cannot be removed once worn. It goes on the neck obviously.

The Schoolgirl Uniform in the Grab Bag cannot be removed with a girlkey - instead it responds to a emag. It is also pre-equipped with a sailor fuku accessory.