Superheroine - MystLeissa/The-Girly-Station GitHub Wiki

The Superheroine is The Girly Station's first custom job since forking from /tg/station. The job is like a cross between an assistant and a detective. It is hashed under the detective job in the code.

General Info:

  • Difficulty: Medium to Very Hard
  • Purpose: To assist the detective in their function while keeping a low profile.
  • General Role Model: Sailor Moon/Batgirl/Etc
  • Secret Identity: Assistant (get's assistant's wages, and budgets to assistant department)
  • Weapons Clearance: None/Hidden-only
  • Spawn Access: Assistant-level

Transformation Sequence:

  • Initially Spawns as an Assistant with a grey uniform
  • Can Transform by using the "Super Card" located in the right pocket.
  • Transformation uses up the card and is permanent.
  • During the Transformation all Worn and Held Gear is deleted

When they transform they lose all gear on them and gain the following items:

  • Winter Boots
  • Magical Girl Uniform
  • Box of Evidence bags
  • Forensic Scanner
  • Police Baton
  • Implanted with Mindshield
  • PDA
  • Radio Headset with Medical and Security Encryption Keys
  • Cloaker Belt

When the Superheroine dies all the gear they were carrying is destroyed instead leaving behind a single "Super Card" allowing someone else to transform.

Superheroine names are randomly assigned at Transformation, and they are ALWAYS female after transformation.

Note: Most Antags can't transform using the "Super Card".