Silicon Chain Of Command - MystLeissa/The-Girly-Station GitHub Wiki

The New Asimov 2.0 Laws may take some explaining with the regards to "Rank".

I will attempt to explain how this should play out, however there are always exceptions.

The Highest Ranking Person on the station is the Captain.

The Next Highest are the Collective Heads of Staff. (HoS, RD, CoM,CE)

After that is the Quartermaster.

After that is the Majority of the "Basic" Crew, ie Shaft Miners, Cargo Techs, Botanists, Chef, Bartender, anything not otherwise listed.

After that is the clown and the mime and any "friendly" non-crew humans (ie Hotel Staff)...

After that is the Lowly Staff Assistant

After that is the AI (yes the AI Counts as Chain of Command for issue resolution - however they are the second lowest level)

After that is the individual/unslaved cyborgs.

Quick Overview:

Captain>Heads Of Staff>Quarter Master>Crew>Gimmick>Assistant>AI>Cyborg

In All cases Confirmed Traitors/Syndies, and non-humans that are not silicon (ie Xenos) are not to be obeyed as they have no rank.

Remember that because of Law Ordering Unmodified Asimov 2.0 places the rank consideration BELOW the priority of the other 3 Basic Laws - therefore it should only come into play when there is an actual conflict of instruction.