Round Persistence Revived - MystLeissa/The-Girly-Station GitHub Wiki

The Mechanic of the curator being able to retrieve items from earlier rounds has been reinstated with the latest update.

There are some exceptions to the items that can survive persistent retrieval. Namely the following Items at the moment, more will likely be added over time:

  • Station Blueprints (No Easy Hacking/InstaWin)
  • Books (Mostly the "Granters" Sub-class which are used to "Teach" Things - Although Non-standard books will be blanks)
  • Paper (Pointless it comes out blank if written on before the round change)
  • Secret Documents (again InstaWin)
  • Scrolls (No Magi For U)
  • Nuke Cores (And All Sub-types including Super Matter cores;InstaWin)
  • DNA Injectors (Again Pointless because the properties don't survive the round change)