Powered Headsets - MystLeissa/The-Girly-Station GitHub Wiki

Starting with the latest update to The Girly Station Headsets are "augmentable" by power cells which they will drain to provide transmission to all radios which can receive them. Additionally because of the extra power used by the headsets in this configuration they will not need to rely on telecommunications equipment to achieve instant, clear transmission. The Downside is that though they may be heard from ANYWHERE, they cannot hear non-powered headsets if they do not have a "traditional" link to telecomms machinery. They also require a great deal of power to send even one message - so much that a basic cell has proven incapable to handling a single broadcast. You will need cells with an capacity in excess of 1MJ to broadcast and it will drain ~1MW for each message you send. Without a battery or when out of power headsets fall back to the old mechanic of using telecomms machinery to do their dirty work - so unless there's absolutely no telecomms machines you'll always be able to use them in the original setup.