Lockable School Girl Outfits - MystLeissa/The-Girly-Station GitHub Wiki
Lockable school girl outfits are a gimmick outfit with perks and balances
They all share these traits:
- They all have 4 "stealth"/"silent" extra pockets (accessible by alt+left click on the worn outfit)
- They all unlock with the "Girlkey" - which is usually found in a "Girl Key Lockbox" usually found with the outfits
- They all are impossible to remove without the key
- They all are lava, fire, and acid-proof
- They all prevent you from wearing outerwear (armor/spacesuits)
- By Proxy they prevent integrated helmets on spacesuits such as the engi hardsuit
- Except for the Pink Variant they are nearly identical to the "unlocked" version (only obvious difference is the desc)
- Automatically Unlock on death of their wearer
- Can be Showered in
- Do NOT interfere with Surgery Steps on the arms/legs
Girlkey's usually come in a lockbox which can be found in a number of ways - however all girlkey lockboxes require a captain-class ID to open. In the unlikely event you find a key outside a lockbox it is likely that it was opened and used before you got to it.
See Also Traitor Version