Backstory of "The Girly Station" Part 2 - MystLeissa/The-Girly-Station GitHub Wiki

Ok so I get that I have a history now for being odd, but NOTHING gets on my nerves like people feigning faith in me (or anything for that matter) then asking dumb questions. I contacted this 'oranges#0001' on discord to ask about submitting my lavaland medal and associated lockbox for the QM. I got back, and I quote,

"What do you mean 'art asset' and 'lockbox variant'" - Seriously? How stupid is this guy? I left the /tg/station discord without saying a word after this. ANYBODY who even bothered to read my initial question about adding a miner's medal would've /never/ picked to question that - it's only because they couldn't get over my lockable schoolgirl shit that I submitted earlier. IF ANYONE else had asked - I'd promise you they'd get a "Why the hell are you asking me - go for it!", instead I get dumbass questions because someone can't be bothered to forgive and forget. It's been 7 days since I tried to reason with these people and You know what? I'm finished with them. Not that it would've been easy to create another fork of the /tg/station code to work with anyway, since github won't let me create a second fork of the same repository. I put forth a good faith effort to change for them and again they stab me in the back. Seriously wonder how many people realize the lockable schoolgirl (pink) uniform sprite was only a slight recolor of the existing anime uniforms and the other colors were artistically identical anyway...everybody was picking at the code - but who bothered to look at the actual art. My conclusion: This is a $#1+ For brains community with a Ego the size of upper Manhattan. Good Riddance. Anybody who even had a LOOK at their discord would know they're talking out both sides of their mouth anyway. They claim not to want anything erotic but their discord is full of references to vore and what not - and they say LOCKABLE SCHOOLGIRL UNIFORMS are bad - it's not like they're hurting anybody - vore on the other hand hurts people...gets people bit all the time if you'll excuse the reference.