Backstory of "The Girly Station" Part 1 - MystLeissa/The-Girly-Station GitHub Wiki
To be perfectly honest - I'm at my wits end with this code; I need to let off some steam and there's no better way to do it than to vent. I know the wiki isn't really a place for stuff of a bias nature but...I'm pissed.
To start with tgstation codebase was a blessing - it offered a copyleft updated license compared to Goon that I could actually do something with. That was my whole point with moving from Goon - the fact that it was never updated and I wanted something new. At first I just played alone, then after getting good with the systems I took a crack at Terry; probably a mistake but I felt good about it. Then i went back to the my own game and started messing with the admin commands, low and behold there was BOTH an anime phobia and an mass-anime command. I played around with these then got to thinking, "You know I bet I could make this a bunch better." So I did - on my own locally - I started work on what would later become The Girly Station. It started with lockable schoolgirl outfits - that was the first thing I worked on; because it was the one thing I had the drive to do. I recolored the original sprite to make a pink uniform even, and I'm not good with that kinda thing. I actually impressed myself. Then I thought, "Well These Firing Pins are really lame - they kinda spawn with every gun, and removing them from every gun is a pain for sec RP" So I went about fixing THAT locally. Finally I got to thinking "You know anime school girl's are good and all but I really want to bring a bit of my interests into my code" So I started working on a sleep sack - which was admittedly more fetish than anything. I eventually got to a point on Terry by proxy where I thought, "You know - if some of this stuff was remembered after I'm would be great"; Without any hestitation and without any regard for what people though I submitted my first PR to the official tgstation codebase consisting of my work so far. It was naturally rejected but one of the comments suggested I seperate the work to get atleast SOME of it in. So I started to break it up into branches. It was not exactly easy as I am still relatively new to github as a developer; Most of my prior history has been with downloading other people's things to test them not making my own. I can't blame people for thinking I am new because it was my first PR - but I have experience with programming from a young age. I kinda left the lockable schoolgirl stuff for the last seperated branch - and reduced it to a mere "You buy this box with a lockable outfit and key" - which was kinda pitiful considering I had all the icons for the other girly things. I had edited the map but not used the map merger in my original PR - I honestly didn't know about it. So..Long story short - people rejected my firing pin changes - they were aimed at low pop RP anyway not a huge server like I can't really blame them for not understanding my reasoning. Still - I had faith based on the initial results that the lockable schoolgirl stuff would make it past. When I finally did submit the PR - I was greeted not by admiration and understanding that people had shown the first time - instead I was met with "This is fetish material and we don't condone it"; My initial reaction was "You don't know what your talking about" - I explained that it wasn't intended to be a fetish thing on the PR (admittedly I had left some code in comments that WAS decidedly fetishy in it - but that was disabled in the code) People started to pick at the commented code - and it all came to a head when someone flat out said "This is fetish material and can be used to facilitate ERP - we don't want that here. This Seems like a bad fatih effort from another server to disrupt ours" - THIS was highly insulting; Not only did they flat out reject the idea that it could be mild - they met me with weapons drawn and blood ready to be spilled. I took matters into my own hands: I released 1.0 of The Girly Station - based on my initial fork of their code with the combined results of my original efforts - I wasn't going to play by their rules anymore. I was hoping for peace - but they choose war. It's only natural. All I wanted to do was have someone remember my good faith efforts...and now I had yet another grudge to carry my entire life. Anyway - the work refactoring The Girly Station as an independent codebase has been absolutely maddening - Github refuses to actually has repeatedly dropped my work - and I'm starting to work on things only to see those changes not properly reflected on GitHub but still valid in my local computer. Some Stuff I swear I'm uploading 2 - 3 times just to fix one little commit error. To be perfectly honest I haven't slept in nearly 20 Hours, and I've been staying up before that when I last slept; I'm developing an addiction to this, but it's unhealthy; this game is destroying my life - what little I had to begin with. I haven't even played a game with my gf in over two weeks. Talked to anybody on Steam in longer; Been on SL for any length of time. I'm literally isolating myself just to work on this game. At this rate I'll die from the stress or the lack of sleep one. All I can think about is the game in front of me. All this started as a curiosity question from Stationeers - that's where I learned of Goon - and Goon led me to tgstation. It's all a giant hairball. Speaking of Hairballs - I revived the felinids to a starting race - I kinda thought it was a shame that they were disabled - it didn't matter anyway - a human with a cat tail and ears sown on with surgery is as good as a felinid anyway; not like they have any perks.