Developer's corner - Mylyn-Mantis/mylyn-mantis GitHub Wiki
Various development-related pieces of information
Regenerating the Axis Stubs
When a new methods are added to the MantisBT SOAP API or when other compatible changes are made the Axis stubs must be regenerated to take advantage of those changes. The steps which must be performed are:
- Update the mantisbt.soap.version property in com.itsolut.mantis.core/pom.xml to the desired version
- In the com.itsolut.mantis.core module, execute {{mvn -Dtycho.mode=maven -Prefresh-soap-stubs dependency:copy}}
- Commit the changes
Code analysis
The project is analysed by Sonar and the results are available publicly at .
You should reserve at least one hour for the below operations.
In the below document, $VERSION refers to the simple version, that is X.Y.Z , not the OSGI one, X.Y.Z.qualifier.
- Build release notes
- Update the
file for the latest release - Commit and push the changes
- Update the
- Build update site jar using
mvn clean package
- The release notes are saved in multiple formats in
- The release notes are saved in multiple formats in
- Tag projects in git;
- The tag format should be
- The tag format should be
- Upload update site jars to the main update site;
- a lftp script is found in
. It hardcodes the username, but you can adjust it. See the SFTP docs for more details.
- a lftp script is found in
- Upload
on;- The file name should be
- Update the text release notes as README.
- Set the newly archived update site as the default download for all platforms.
- The file name should be
- announce release on forums;
- Remove sticky from previous release announcement;
- Should be a sticky post in the users forum;
- announce release on;
- Mark the version in Mantis issue tracker as released;
- If the release date is incorrect, set it to today.
- Close all tasks resolved in this version.
- Update Eclipse Marketplace listing
- Post on , for noteworthy changes,( blog post ideally );
- Tweet with dzone or blog link, include #mylyn #mantisbt ;
- Increment version locally using
; - Commit and push incremented version to git;