Use ED BMSdiag - MyLab-odyssey/ED_BMSdiag GitHub Wiki
How to use the diagnostics tool:
The hardware will communicate via a serial USB connection, so you need the Arduino-IDE or a serial terminal to see the output. The Arduino will transmit the data at 115200/8-N-1 Baud. You can use CoolTerm (Mac / Win) or a similar terminal. If you have not installed the Arduino-IDE and the serial port will not show up, please install the Arduino USB drivers (this is most likely on Windows).
- Connect the USB port to your computer.
- Open your serial monitor / terminal and watch for this dialog to come up:
- The Smart will indicate an active CAN-Bus with a lit 'P':
This can also be achieved by unlocking the car with the remote-key. In this case the high voltage contactors are not initiated. Recent capacity measurements are only updated with the car active (contactors closed).
- When you get a CONNECTED message, you will see a splash screen with live data from the CAN bus. Use the CLI for further readouts, please take a look for the possible commands. Enjoy...