Lua Interface - MyEyes/Igorr GitHub Wiki

Lua Interface

This article is ment to give an overview for the lua interface used for scripting in the game.

Global Command Reference

Name Parameters Description
Print Text(string) Prints Text to the server window. Used for debug purposes.
GetInfo Client(string), Name(string) Gets client/account specific info(int32). Name specifies the handle of the information
SetInfo Client(string), Name(string), value(int32) Sets client/account specific info. Name specifies handle of info, value specifies value to set.
GetGlobal Name(string) Gets value(bool) of a global trigger
SetGlobal Name(string), value(bool) Sets value of a global trigger

NPC Command Reference

There is a generic interface for NPCs this part describes the scripting aspect of it.


LuaNPCs have an internal command queue. The job of the script file is to fill this command queue in a way that makes sense using predefined commands. An LuaNPC script file is a lua module that should implement some or all of the functions defined in this table. Functions with a trigger will only be triggered when the appropriate trigger is set to true.

Name Parameters Description Mandatory Triggered By
(when true)
spawn Called when NPC spawns, use for setup
spawn_equip Called after NPC spawns, use to equip NPC
react_attackReady Called when the attack cooldown runs out reacts_attackReady
react_idle Called when the command queue is empty reacts_idle
react_spotEnemy Called when an enemy comes close enough to be spotted reacts_spotEnemy
react_spotFriendly Called when a friendly player comes close enough to be spotted reacts_spotFriendly
react_damageTaken Called when damage is taken reacts_damageTaken
interact sinfo(string), info(int) Called when a player tries to interact with the NPC. interacts

Additional triggers

Name Description
lookingForTarget If set to true this NPC will poll for Enemies in the surrounding area
lookingForFriendly If set to true this NPC will poll for friendly Players in the surrounding area

Handling of an event

When any of the events are triggered the Lua VM will set the local variable "me" to the value of the NPC. If another player is involved that player will be set to "enemy" no matter wether he is actually friendly or not. The exception being the interact method which sets the interacting player to "player"

The following table contains the calls that can be made to "me" from the script.

Name Parameters Description
ClearState Empties the Command Queue
Move time(int), dir(float) Adds a move command to the command queue that will move in the direction dir for time milliseconds.
Wait time(int) Adds a command to the command queue that will wait for time milliseconds.
JumpCmd Adds a command to the command queue that will jump immediately.
SetAnimation force(bool), id(int) Sets a custom animation for the NPC, if force is set to false the NPC reverts back to default animations.
Say Text(string), timeout(float) Creates a Text bubble containing Text that will dissapear after timeout seconds
Say Text(string), timeout(float), player(Player) Creates a Text bubble containing Text that will dissappear after timeout seconds and is only visible to player
Ask questionString(string), player(Player) Opens a text bubble for player that can contain multiple choices and only dissapears after a choice is made or it is canceled.


The question string has the following format:

Text  +(';'+ID    +';'+choice)*

Example: "Do you see this Question?;1;Yes!;2;No!"

Here while ID is a string it must be convertible to an integer by int.Parse. Important when the client has made his choice it causes a new call to interact where info will be set to the choices id!


module(..., package.seeall)

function spawn()

function spawn_equip()

function react_attackReady()

function react_idle()

function react_spotEnemy()

function react_spotFriendly()

function react_damageTaken()

function interact(sinfo, info)
	flag = GetInfo(player.Name,"TalksToChickens");
	if(flag == -1) then
		SetInfo(player.Name,"TalksToChickens", 0);
		me:Ask("Do you always talk\nto Chickens?;0;Yes;0;Mmmhh Chicken", player);
	elseif(info == 0 and flag == 0) then
		me:Ask("Do you see this Question?;1;Yes!;2;No :(;3;What can you do?", player);
	elseif (info==1) then
		me:Say("Great!", 2000, player);
	elseif (info==2) then
		me:Say("Oh no!", 2000, player);
	elseif (info==3) then
		me:Ask("Hello!\nI can lay eggs.\nWith those eggs you\ncan blow people up!;4;And then?", player);
	elseif (info==4) then
		me:Say("You can now throw eggs!\nGive it a try.", 3500, player);
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️