Troubleshooting - Mutorials/runelite GitHub Wiki

Please make sure you check the official RuneLite Troubleshooting page if this page does not resolve your problems.

Table of contents

Client not launching

Step 1: Install JDK

  • Make sure you have the latest version of the Java Development Kit from here.
  • Download the executable version for your operating system (most likely one named something similar to windows-x64.exe).

JDK Home

  • Restart your PC and try to open ChunkLite, if this doesn't work continue to step 2.

Step 2: Uninstall other versions of Java

  • Search for "uninstall" on your PC and open "Add or remove programs".

Start Menu

  • In the "Apps & features" window search for "java" and uninstall all versions you can find.

Apps & features

  • Then reinstall the version of Java in step 1, if this doesn't work continue to step 3.

Step 3: Use a batch file

  • Download the start.bat (right-click -> Save as...) file and place it in the same folder as ChunkLite.jar.


  • Or copy the text below, save as a .bat file and place it in the same folder as ChunkLite.jar.
start javaw -ea -jar ChunkLite.jar
  • Run start.bat to start ChunkLite. If this doesn't work, refer to the RuneLite Wiki.

Gray chunks not working

  • Make sure the GPU plugin is turned on, if it doesn't turn on or crashes your game please check the RuneLite Wiki for GPU related issues.

GPU Plugin

  • Make sure the Region Locker plugin is turned on and the "Render locked regions" option is checked.

Region locker plugin

Render locked regions

  • If this doesn't resolve your issue it might be the "restart bug", a known issue with the plugin. In some cases locked regions are not rendered gray because of some interaction with the GPU. The only way to fix this is to restart the client. You might need to restart a few times before it starts working, moving your character around a bit and restarting your PC might help the success rate.