Tools - Mustard2/MustardUI GitHub Wiki
Tools Options
In this section you can enable different tools that might be useful for the users. These are:
- Simplify: this tool disables all the Blender features that might be useless when animating, to improve performance.
- Child Of: selecting two bones, with this tool you can quickly create a Child Of modifier between the two (with Inverse transform applied).
- Lips Shrinkwrap: using this tool you can quickly apply the Shrinkwrap modifier to all lips bones, in order to automatically move them as they hit an Object that can be specified in the tool. Note that at the moment it is only available for Auto-Rig Pro models. If enabled, you will be asked to provide the Armature Object: just select the armature object you are currently using on the model.
- Auto-Breath: tool to animate a bone controlling the breath.
- Auto-Blink: tool to animate the blink of the eyelids using a random generator. During configuration it is necessary to specify the type of the property driving the blink (Diffeomorphic Morph or Shape Key), and the name of the morph/shape key.
- Lattice: once activated, you should provide a Lattice cage. With the tool you can quicky create body shapes modifying the Lattice cage, which will affect all the Object, i.e. the body and the outfits. Moreover, two tools are available: Lattice Setup and Lattice Clean. With the first you can quickly add a Lattice modifier, using the Lattice cage you specified above, on the body mesh and all outfit pieces. These modifiers will be placed at the first place in the modifier list of every object. The Lattice Clean is to delete the modifiers created with Lattice Setup in the case you want to delete the Lattice tool.