Physics - Mustard2/MustardUI GitHub Wiki

In this section you can add your cloth physics (cage-based with Mesh Deform modifier), providing an intuitive UI panel for your users. At the moment (version 0.20.1) the cage can only drive physics on the Body, not on other objects (such as the Hair).

The section has the following parts:

  • Clean Physics Panel tool, to remove all the previously added physics objects from the panel
  • Add Item panel. Here you should select the cage (that should be parented to the model), and if you want the MustardUI definitions (instead of showing all cloth simulation properties, some new more user friendly definitions are shown in the Physics panel of the UI). Moreover it is compulsory to provide a Pin group, a vertex group of the selected cage that won't be simulated (if you don't want to pin it, just create a void pin group). Finally you can provide a Bending Stiffness vertex group. Once you hit Add Item, the UI will automatically add the Mesh Deform modifier to the Body and Outfits, bind it and create the cloth physics on the cage. This process might require seconds to minutes, depending on your CPU and the number of outfits.
  • In the Items list, you can find the added items. The settings can not be changed, thus you will have to remove the item with the X and re-add it if you want to change the settings.