Collection service - MurhafSousli/ngx-wordpress GitHub Wiki

Use WpService to get a collection of posts, here is a basic example

  constructor(public wp: WpService) { }

  ngOnInit() {
     this.wp.collection().posts().get(args).subscribe((res: CollectionResponse) => {
        // Handle the response here

Collection Service Options:

 collection = <CollectionService>this.wp.collection().endpoint(endpoint);

 collection.get(args)  // get a new collection of posts
 collection.more()     // get next page combined with previous ones     // get next page
 collection.prev()     // get prev page 

Advanced Example

  constructor(public wp: WpService) { }

  ngOnInit() {
     // Get an instance of `CollectionService` so you can use it more than once. 
     this.collection = <CollectionService>this.wp.collection().endpoint(endpoint);

  /** Get collection of items */
  get(args) {
     this.collection.get(args).subscribe((res: CollectionResponse) => {
        // ... 

  more() {
     this.collection.more().subscribe((res: CollectionResponse) => {
        // here is combined with any previous data
        // ... 