ICP 3 - Murarishetti-Shiva-Kumar/Python-Deep-Learning-Programming GitHub Wiki

Lesson3: Object Oriented Python

Create a class Employee and then do the following

Create a data member to count the number of Employees

Create a constructor to initialize name, family, salary, department

Create a function to average salary

Create a Fulltime Employee class and it should inherit the properties of Employee class

Create the instances of Fulltime Employee class and Employee class and call their member functions

Source Code: image Output: image

Web scraping

Write a simple program that parse a Wiki page mentioned below and follow the instructions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_learning

Print out the title of the page

Find all the links in the page (‘a’ tag)

Iterate over each tag(above) then return the link using attribute "href" using get

Save all the links in the file

Source Code: image Output: image


Using NumPy create random vector of size 20 having only float in the range 1-20.

Then reshape the array to 4 by 5

Then replace the max in each row by 0 (axis=1) (you can NOT implement it via for loop)

Source Code: image Output: image