Command Usage - Muqsit/SkyWars GitHub Wiki

Commands in bold can only be used by operators (OPs).

Command Description
/sw create <game> Creates a new SkyWars game with the name <game>.
/sw quit Quits the game you are currently in.
/sw join <game> Joins game named <game>.
/sw list Lists all games.
/sw rebackup <game> Use this after you've made changes to the chunks of a game so the plugin can update the restore-chunks cache. These chunks are cached so they can be restored once the game ends, to "reset" the "world".
/sw save Saves any cached game configs. When you create a new game, the game isn't directly saved to games.yml. The plugin only saves games to games.yml during server shutdown or if you use /sw save.
/sw addscore <score> Adds <score> score to yourself. Will not work if scoring is disabled in config.yml
/sw addscoreboard Adds a scoreboard at your position.
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