World Properties - Multiverse/Multiverse-Core GitHub Wiki

Here are the various properties of worlds that can be set in worlds.yml. Normally you should not have to edit this, but if you are an advanced user, you may. This is a typical plugin configuration file and follows the same syntax. All of these settings can be changed from in-game using Modify Command


  1. World Permissions
  2. Setting the Spawn World
  3. Animals
  4. Monsters
  5. Environment
  6. Generators
  7. World Fees
  8. PVP
  9. Alias
  10. World Blacklist
  11. Seed
  12. Scaling
  13. Respawn World
  14. Keep Spawn in Memory
  15. Weather
  16. Game Mode
  17. Difficulty
  18. Hunger
  19. World Visibility
  20. Auto-Heal
  21. Adjust Spawn
  22. Portal Forming
  23. Time
  24. Player Limit
  25. Allow Flight
  26. Auto Load
  27. Bed Respawn

World Permissions

You can easily control who can enter various worlds in Multiverse 2. To allow people access to a world, simply grant them access to multiverse.access.WORLDNAME where WORLDNAME is the name of the world. By default (with PermissionsBukkit) people can enter newly created worlds. You can give users multiverse.access.* to let them access all worlds, or set the same to false to deny access to all worlds.

Default Spawn World

Multiverse 2.2+ allows you to set what world users will spawn in. This does not have to be the world that is in To do this, make sure you have the following 2 values set in your config.yml. You can set this value ingame by using /mv conf firstspawnoverride true and /mv conf firstspawnworld myworld. We advise against editing the file, but here is the clip:

# If true, this will ensure players, on first spawn, go to the spawn
# that you've set with Multiverse. Set to false if you use another
# spawn plugin.
firstspawnoverride: true

# This is the world you want players to spawn in. It does *NOT*
# have to be the world in!
firstspawnworld: world



The overall control of the spawning of animals on a world. If true, animals (pigs, chickens, cows and squids) will spawn in this world.



Exceptions allow you to say 'I want animals to spawn, but NOT sheep.' The coolest part about exceptions is the fact that they simply negate the spawn value. This concept may seem a bit complex at first, but you can use it to do some really cool things.


Spawn rate

The spawn rate defines how many ticks there are between attempts to spawn animals, see this for details. Note that a value of -1 here signifies that the world should use the default value

Type: Integer

EXAMPLE: A world with ONLY pigs:

    spawn: false
    - pig

You should read this as "Animals can not spawn except for pigs."

EXAMPLE: A world with NO pigs:

    spawn: true
    - pig

You should read this as "Animals can spawn except for pigs."

In Game Usage:
/mv modify set animals true- Enables animal spawning in the current world.
/mv modify set animals false- Disables animal spawning in the current world.
/mv modify add pig animals - Adds the animal type pig to the exemption list.
/mv modify remove pig animals - Removes the animal type pig to the exemption list.
/mv modify clear animals - Clears the animal exemption list.

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The overall control of the spawning of monsters on a world. If true, monsters (anything not in the animals list above) will spawn in this world. Monsters will not spawn in a world where the difficulty is set to peaceful, even if this variable is set to true.



exceptions allow you to say 'I want monsters to spawn, but NOT creepers.' The coolest part about exceptions is the fact that they simply negate the spawn value. This concept may seem a bit complex at first, but you can use it to do some really cool things.


Spawn rate

The spawn rate defines how many ticks there are between attempts to spawn animals, see this for details. Note that a value of -1 here signifies that the world should use the default value

Type: Integer

EXAMPLE: A world with ONLY creepers:

    spawn: false
    - creeper

You should read this as "Monsters can not spawn except for creepers."

EXAMPLE: A world with NO creepers:

    spawn: true
    - creeper

You should read this as "Monsters can spawn except for creepers."

In Game Usage:
/mv modify set monsters true- Enables monster spawning in the current world (and disables auto-heal).
/mv modify set monsters false- Disables monster spawning in the current world (and enables auto-heal).
/mv modify add creeper monsters - Adds the monster type creeper to the exemption list.
/mv modify remove creeper monsters - Removes the monster type creeper to the exemption list.
/mv modify clear monsters - Clears the monster exemption list.

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The type of environment this world is under. Can currently be NETHER, THE_END, and NORMAL. You should not change this value in the config.


environment: NORMAL

In Game Usage:
mv create myworld NORMAL
mv import mynether NETHER

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Multiverse 2 allows you to use custom world generators via a Custom Generator Plugin. This line contains the information multiverse needs to load your worlds properly. You should not touch this value unless you know what you're doing.

This value may or may not be present. That's okay.


generator: BukkitFullOfMoon

In Game Usage:
/mv create moon NORMAL -g BukkitFullOfMoon

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World Fees

You can charge users to enter various worlds. The coolest part is you don't have to use an econ plugin! You can simply use Minecraft items!

Amount vs. Currency

The amount field is how much you want to charge people. This can be an integer or double. (1 or 1.75)

The currency field is what you want to charge people. This is an item id, or -1 if you want to use virtual dollars in an econ plugin.

EXAMPLE: Charging 5 Dirt to enter a world

    amount: 5
    currency: 3

EXAMPLE: Charging $13.75 to enter a world

NOTE: You MUST have a valid economy plugin installed to use 'money' (currency value -1).

    amount: 13.75
    currency: -1

In Game Usage:
mvm set currency 3 - Sets the item to dirt
mvm set price 3 - Requires 3 of item

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Whether or not players may harm each other in this world. If set to true, they may.


pvp: true

In Game Usage:
mvm set pvp false

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World aliases allow you to name a world differently than what the folder name is. This lets you choose fancy names for your worlds while keeping the folders nice and neat.

The alias attribute can also include a color and a style. Worlds will show up colored and styled when your users chat and via /mv list or /mv who.

The color must be one of these:


Example of world aliases with color

Example: Set alias to FernWorld (italic, green)

In Game Usage:
mvm set style italic
mvm set color green
mvm set alias FernWorld

In the config:

alias: FernWorld
color: GREEN
style: ITALIC

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World Blacklist

The world blacklist allows you to specify worlds that people cannot go to from the specified world. For example, if you add world_gold to world's worldblacklist, then players could teleport TO world_gold from world but not back.



- world_fish
- world_dog

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The seed for this world. Do not change unless you are aware of the consequences of doing so (WILL cause chunk errors!).


seed: 'gargamel'

In Game Usage:
This command cannot be used in-game. You cannot change the seed of a generated world.

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Scaling of worlds when using Multiverse-NetherPortals. Setting this value will have no effect on anything but Multiverse-NetherPortals. See the Multiverse-Netherportals documentation for how this works.


NOTE: If you see a scaling value, you can delete it. It got carried over in early versions of the migrator and the value is now scale.

In Game Usage:
mvm set scale 1.2

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Respawn World

The world you will respawn to if you die in this world. This value can be the same as this world.


respawnworld: 'hellplanet'

NOTE: If you see a temprespawn value, you can delete it. It got carried over in early versions of the migrator.

In Game Usage:
mvm set respawnWorld MyWorld

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Keep Spawn in Memory

If you disable this, bukkit will not keep this world's spawn chunks in memory, resulting in less memory used by your server when people are not logged in.


keepspawninmemory: true

In Game Usage:
mvm set memory false

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If this value is true, a world will have weather events, if false, it will not. If you want to turn off the current storm, just type /mvm set weather false, wait for the weather to subside, and then /mvm set weather true.


weather: true

In Game Usage:
mvm set weather false

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Game Mode

Allows you to set the type of mode a specific world is set to. Creative mode gives players unlimited resources while Survival makes boys become men. For more information about inventories on servers that use this feature, see our FAQ on Inventories

If you want to allow certain players to ignore the game mode set in a world, there's a special permission:


This permission is under a different root namespace because it will be off by default.


gamemode: SURVIVAL

In Game Usage:
mvm set mode survival
mvm set mode creative

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Allows you to set the difficulty of a given world. All possible values are: 0, 1, 2, 3, peaceful, easy, normal, hard. Remember that there are only 4 difficulties, we just let you set it with either the int or the string. They are always stored as ints in the config.

String OR Integer

difficulty: 1

In Game Usage:
mvm set diff 1
mvm set difficulty easy
mvm set diff hard
mvm set diff peaceful

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Allows you to enable or disable hunger depletion in each world.

Type: Boolean

Example: hunger: true

In Game Usage: mvm set hunger true mvm set hunger false

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World Visibility

This property allows you to have a world that exists, but does not show up in lists. When users chat from this world, if worldnameprefix is set to true and it is hidden, their chat will appear with no world prefix.


hidden: false

In Game Usage:
mvm set hidden true

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If your difficulty is set to peaceful, by default, players will regain health. If you do not want them to, simply set this variable to false. This setting has no effect on worlds with a difficulty greater than peaceful or 0.

Type: Boolean

Example: autoheal: true

In Game Usage: mvm set autoheal true mvm set autoheal false

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Adjust Spawn

By default, Multiverse will fix spawns that are recorded in poor locations. By default the Minecraft server uses something like a getTopBlock() method and sets the spawn's Y coordinate somewhere in the middle of the earth. This is usually not safe to teleport a player directly too, so Multiverse will search for the nearest safe location.

Sometimes this is non ideal. If you do not want multiverse to do this, simply turn this variable on. If you set a spawn in an unsafe location (over a pit of lava), Multiverse will automatically disable this variable for you.

If you want to set this variable when importing a world, simply add a -n to your /mv create or /mv import command:

/mv create spaceworld normal -g NullTerrainGenerator -n

Type: Boolean

Example: adjustspawn: true

In Game Usage: mvm set adjustspawn true
mvm set adjustspawn false

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Portal Form

Multiverse allows you to control whether or not users are allowed to create portals.

Allow portal forming must be NONE, ALL, NETHER or END.

Type String

Example: portalform: ALL

In Game Usage: mvm set portalform none mv modify portalform nether

Results are fairly self explanatory.

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Multiverse inclues very basic support for setting world times. It does not scale time, or lock it or rewind it. It is provided mainly as an api for higher level things like server managers to set the time to something.

Type: String

Example: This value is not present in the config.yml

In Game Usage: mvm set time true
mvm set time false

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Player Limit

Multiverse has the ability to set a maximum number of players allowed in a world. By default, the limit is set to -1 indicating no limit. The setting is to specify how many players are allowed.

A player may bypass this limit with the following permissions: mv.bypass.playerlimit.* for all worlds. mv.bypass.playerlimit.NAME for specific worlds.

Type: Integer

Example: playerLimit: -1

In Game Usage: mvm set playerlimit 10
mvm set limit -1

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Allow Flight

Multiverse has basic support for disabling flight per world. By default, this setting is true, which will allow flight. Set to false to disable flight. Note: This does not affect Creative mode.

A player may bypass this setting with the following permissions: NOT YET IMPLEMENTED! (Waiting for permissions overhaul.)

Type: Boolean

Example: allowflight: true

In Game Usage: mvm set flight false
mvm set allowflight true

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Auto Load

Tells Multiverse to automatically load this world on startup.

Type: Boolean

Example: autoload: true

In Game Usage: mvm set autoload false

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Bed Respawn

If bedrespawn is set to true, players will be able to respawn at their bed in this world.

Type: Boolean

Example: bedrespawn: true

In Game Usage: mvm set bedrespawn false

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