Permissions List (Portals) - Multiverse/Multiverse-Core GitHub Wiki

Portal Permissions List

multiverse.portal.access.* - Allows a player to use all portals.
multiverse.portal.access.(PORTALNAME) - Allows a player to use a portal.
multiverse.portal.config - Allows you to set global MV portal values.
multiverse.portal.create - Allows a player to create a portal.
multiverse.portal.debug - Extra information regarding portal use is sent to consule for error checking.
multiverse.portal.exempt.* - Allows a player to use all portals free of charge.
multiverse.portal.exempt.(PORTALNAME) - Allows a player to use a portal free of charge.
multiverse.portal.fill.* - Allows player to fill all portals with lava/water.
multiverse.portal.fill.(PORTALNAME) - Allows player to fill a portal with lava/water.
multiverse.portal.givewand - Allows the player to spawn a wand (if WorldEdit is installed, will use Worldedit wand). - Displays Information about a portal.
multiverse.portal.list - Lists portals on the server created with Multiverse-Portals.
multiverse.portal.modify - Allows you to modify set portal values.
multiverse.portal.remove - Allows you to remove a portal. - Allows you to select a portal (If using world edit use wooden Axe or any other form of /pos).

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