Command Reference (Portals) - Multiverse/Multiverse-Core GitHub Wiki
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If you're looking for the Multiverse-Core, Multiverse-NetherPortals or Multiverse-Inventories Command References, click the links!
- Introduction
- List Command
- Select Command
- MVP Wand
- Portal Information
- Create Portal
- Remove Portal
- Modify Portal
- Debug Mode
In Multiverse 2, we have included a handy new help system. To access this help, simply type:
In order to properly read this command reference, we'll walk through reading the "usage" of a command.
Whenever reading this wiki or the in-game /mv
help, you should remember that items in ALL CAPS should be replaced with a variable. Items in lowercase should be typed exactly how they appear.
Items inside square braces ([]
) are OPTIONAL where items inside curly braces ({}
•List Command
Displays a listing of all portals.
/mvp list [WORLD]
/mvp list
/mvp list space
mvp list, mvpl, mvplist
•Select Command
Selects a portal so you can perform multiple modifications on it.
/mvp select {PORTAL}
/mvp select spaceportal
mvp select, mvps, mvpselect
•MVP Wand
Gives a Portal Creation Wand (wooden axe by default), used to select areas for portal creation. This will only work if you are NOT using WorldEdit, unless the WorldEdit or MultiVerse wands are changed to a different item.
/mvp wand
/mvp wand
mvp wand, mvpw, mvpwand
•Portal information
Displays information about a portal.
/mvp info {PORTAL}
/mvp info spaceportal
mvp info, mvpi, mvpinfo
•Create Portal
Creates a new portal, assuming you have a region selected (use the wand to select a region). The destination can be set to where you want the portal to go, otherwise, it will be set to teleport all players to the position you were at when you created it (here
can also be used as the destination for the same purpose).
Destination can either another portal (p:portalname
), world (w:worldname
), position (e:WORLD:X,Y,Z[:PITCH:YAW]), or current position (here
/mvp create {NAME} [DESTINATION]
/mvp create spaceportal space
mvp create, mvpc, mvpcreate
•Remove Portal
Remove the portal whose name is given.
/mvp remove {NAME}
/mvp remove spaceportal
mvp remove, mvpr, mvpremove
•Modify Portal
Allows you to modify all values that can be set on the selected portal. The target portal must be selected first if [-p PORTAL]
is omitted. Values that can be set include owner, dest, and loc (owner, destination, and location, respectively)
/mvp modify {PROPERTY} [VALUE] [-p PORTAL]
/mvp modify owner Elizacat -p spaceportal
mvp modify, mvpm, mvpmodify
•Debug Mode
Instead of teleporting you to a place when you walk into a portal you will see the details about it. With no params, the command toggles the current on/off state.
/mvp debug [on|off]
/mvp debug
mvp debug, mvpd, mvpdebug
Installation -> Basics -> Permissions -> Command Reference |