World Maps - Multi-User-Domain/vocab GitHub Wiki

Games are normally bounded by a physical space

Tile Maps

The most simple form of 2D space is a tile map. In 2022 I (Calum) looked into this and couldn't find a standard RDF representation of tile maps which I wanted to use. I added a property mudworld:hasTileMap which expects to have the value ldp:Container. I.e. a 2D array of values. In a very simple game, the values of a tile map might simply be integers (normally representing the kind of object or terrain stored in each tile, or whether the terrain is passable, occupied or not). For example here's a 2x2 2D tile map in JSON-LD:

"@context": {
    "hasTileMap": {
      "@container": "@list",
      "@id": ""
"hasTileMap": [