GSoD '21 Weekly Updates - Mukulikaa/numpy GitHub Wiki

Week 1 (17th - 23rd May 2021)

The first phase was to do an audit of the User Guide and Reference to find out duplicate content, missing links etc. I read the Diataxis framework documentation thoroughly for this task. I got started with a template inspired by ESLint's past GSoD project. I finished auditing the first 4 pages of the User Guide. I wanted to become fluent with the development process simultaneously so I also solved a beginner-friendly issue (#7992).

Week 2 (24th - 30th May 2021)

There was a Documentation meeting on Monday where we discussed updating the Building NumPy API and reference docs. I made an issue detailing the requirements and submitted a PR against it during the week (#19104). I made another PR to address the missing links that I found in the process of the audit (#19115). I also set up a project board in my fork of the repo to keep track of the issues and pull requests I was making. At the end of the week, I opened another issue to plan the merging of two duplicate docs for array broadcasting (#19136). I finally got around to writing a draft for my blog, detailing my application process.

Week 3 (31st May - 6th June 2021)

Published my first GSoD blog on Medium and Completed 90% of the User Guide audit.

Week 4 (7th - 13th June 2021)

Attended Documentation team meeting where we discussed opening issues for the next phase. Opened issues #1 and #2 in my fork to discuss audit report findings.

Week 5 (14th - 20th June 2021)

This week we continued discussion on which pages are to be restructured/rewritten. I opened issue #3 to discuss the indexing documents. The other two documents do not need a refactor right now according to the discussions. I also finished up PR #19128 to finish rewriting Building the NumPy docs and API reference. Next week I'll try to get a consensus on the Indexing documents and start working on that and the Broadcasting documents rewrite.

Week 6 (21st - 27th June 2021)

We discussed about looking into the NumPy Random module docs in this week's documentation meeting. I worked on issue #19136 this week and closed issue #19313.

Week 7 (28th June - 4th July 2021)

This week I worked on issues #14038 and #19136. The Broadcasting docs have been halfway merged. Next week I will add the SVGs and remove the remaining content from the orphan doc. I have finished the majority of the merge for the Indexing docs as well and will do review iterations next week.

Week 8 (5th - 11th July 2021)

This week we discussed about moving the Indexing page entirely to the Fundamentals section. After finalising that, I will probably finish it up next week. I learnt how to use Inkscape and ported all the diagrams into the Broadcasting doc (#19369). Next week I have plans to start working on the Ufuncs docs (#16924).

Week 9 (12th - 18th July 2021)

I moved the complete Indexing doc to the Fundamentals section and it is under further review. This week the Broadcasting doc PR got merged and I started work on the ufuncs doc issue (#16924). I also looked at some old issues to determine if they can be closed but they seem to require the addition of one/two lines of explanations in the docstrings. I also opened an issue (#19509) because the NumPy logo and favicon disappeared from devdocs. I later found out it is a version issue of Sphinx 4.10.

Week 10 (19th - 25th July 2021)

Completed the first part of the ufuncs PR and made a draft PR (#19516) for it. Also opened an issue (#19520) for adding the source link to functions defined in the C-extension modules. I added examples later in the week to complete the ufuncs basics document.

Week 11 (26th July - 1st August 2021)

This week I studied the internal representation of arrays and opened a discussion issue for the Indexing how-to. I also planned out the blog that I'm going to publish next week.

Week 12 (2nd - 8th August 2021)

This week in the documentation meeting we discussed rearranging the various documentation contribution docs and I opened an issue () to discuss. I removed the broadcasting section from the ufuncs document to complete my PR. This week I also read NumPy Internals for research on the new array internals doc. I ended the week by taking a session on GSoD for our local tech community - Bug Busters. The video is available on YouTube!

Week 13 (9th - 15th August 2021)

The ufuncs document got merged along with the document reorganization PR. Made some headway with the Copies and Views document and jotted down a couple of questions for the docs meeting.

Week 14 (16th - 22nd August 2021)

Fell sick this week and barely remember anything that happened. Worked on the Indexing PR to incorporate some feedback.

Week 15 (23rd - 30th August 2021)

Finished up the Indexing PR and opened a draft PR for the copies and views document. Next week I will work on re-organizing the NumPy Internals and replace issue templates with forms.

Week 16 (31st August - 5th September)

Replaced issue templates with forms in the PR (#19814) and started working on the NumPy Internals reorganization.

Week 17 (6th - 12th September)

Finished up NumPy Internals reorganization (#19865) and replacing of github templates with forms (#19814). While working on NumPy Internals I found that the Array Mapping functions are missing from the C-API docs so I opened a PR to fix that the legacy way. Matti pointed out it was a good opportunity to explore Doxygen-Breathe so next step would be to do that! Also, received some comments on Copies and Views document which I will be addressing in the next week.

Week 18 (13th - 19th September)

Starting out the week by planning to mentor a couple of new contributors during the PyCon India sprint.

Week 19 (20th - 26th September) and Week 20 (27th September - 3rd October)

Mentored a couple of participants at the PyCon India Sprint. Working on the Indexing how-to and NumPy blog #2. Also planning a how-to navigate the codebase doc. Planning to finalize the tutorial topic in the coming two weeks.

Week 21 (3rd - 10th) and Week 22 (11th - 17th October)

Created the indexing how-to and addressed some comments on the views and copies doc. Also, reviewed a couple of doc PRs in an effort to engage more with the community! The next step is to write a tutorial for which I am going to put up a proposal soon.

Week 23 (18th - 24th October)

Received some feedback on the indexing how-to. Also planned to write a tutorial on Analysis of air pollution levels before and after lockdowns.

Week 24 (25th - 31st October)

The views and copies doc went in this week! Right now I'm working on the indexing howto and the tutorial. Also mentored at the PyData sprint this week and it was a novel experience. Also did some maintenance stuff.

Week 25 (1st - 7th November)

Worked on the indexing howto this week and planned the tutorial. Started work on the case study as well. This is the final stretch!