Arch Design - Muktan/Board-Game-Framework GitHub Wiki

Arch Design

Architectural component, process, or a logical:-

  • Users can only interact with the user interface layer. There are a couple of major tasks that the user can perform: a. Searching the game b. Playing the game
  • The User Interface layer hides the implementation/ business logic information from the user, so even if there is a change in the business logic the front-end won’t be affected. Moreover, the user data/request is sent as it is to the control layer.
  • The Control layer decides which business object (Board Game, Pieces, and Board) will handle the request sent by the user request.
  • The Control layer sends the request to a specific business object.
  • The business objects are responsible for all the processing and transformation of data if required.
  • The DB manager will send the objects received from the business objects to their specific DB access object and these DB access objects will communicate with the respective database/ tables in DBMS specific language. Also, DB managers perform traffic handling.