Form - MukeshKumar101/IPL_Auction GitHub Wiki


  • Form Component

  • @param - props

  • props contain a field

  • sample props

const field = [{

//Example Configuration for input type text box
  key: "userName",

  component: "input",

  fieldName: "User Name",


  bindingKey: "userName",

  type: "text",

  onChange: () => {--onchange method--},

  disabled: false,

  value: "Srinivasan",

  defaultValidation: true,

  isCustomValidationNeeded: false,

  customValidation: () => {--any customValidation method--}

  validation: {

   min: 5,

   max: 12,
  required: true,

  isEmail: false,


  message: {

   min: "User Name must contain a minimum of 5 characters",

   max: "User Name should be within 12 characters",

   required: "User Name should not be empty",

   customValidationErrorMessage : "Address custom validation method"



  key: "delete",

  component: "button",

  name : "Delete",

  disabled: false,

  className: //css class for button component,

  isPrimary: true,

  onClick : () => {-any method for onClick--},


Problem Statement:

 To create a form as a generic component



Jobs to be done:

  Destructure the props.
  create a Form.

Implementation plan:

Destructure the props

  1. In the render() method destructure props as field

Create a Form

  1. In render()
    • Map each fieldConfig in the field to a respective HTML element using map()
    • And Invoke onFieldValue() and pass fieldConfig as an argument to it
  2. In onFieldValue(fieldConfig)
    • Get component from fieldConfig
    • Using component, set configuration from fieldConfig to a respective HTML element using switch case
    • And return that HTML element
    • Import Input, DropDown, Button component files
  • If the component is input, then set configurations to input

Sample fieldConfig for input component

  disabled={fieldConfig.disabled ? "disabled": ""}
  onChange={(event) => {validateForm(event, fieldConfig)}}
  2.The element will display an error message for each input's value
  3.Maintained error in the state for each input
  • If the component is a dropDown, then set configurations to dropDown component

Sample fieldConfig for dropDown component

  onChange = {fieldConfig.onChange}
  • If the component is a button, then set configurations to button component

Sample fieldConfig for button component

  name = {}
  disabled = {fieldConfig.disabled}
  onClickFunction= {fieldConfig.onClick}


On Change

Jobs to be Done:

  Get value
  Validate Value


  1. In validateValue(event, currentFieldConfig),
  • Declare a const variable store state of error in it
  • Declare a const variable store current value in it
  • Check various scenario for default validation
    • If defaultValidation is not true and customValidation is true
    • And if custom validation method returns false, then set custom validation error message from currentFieldConfig to error in the state
    • If defaultValidation is not true and customValidation is not true
    • Then, invoke just invoke on change event of the current field and pass event and error object of current event
  • Check if the current field is required, if required is true then check the length
  • If length is zero, then set error message from fieldConfig to error
  • Then check min and max with data provided in fieldConfig
  • If current values do not match with min and max condition then set error message in error
  • Also check value isEmail or not, then it does not matches the given pattern then set error to it
  • Also invoke custom validation method for a current event, if isCustomValidation is needed
  • And also check whether custom validation return to set error
  • If true, then set error else set error for the current event as an empty string value