Axios and Error handling - MukeshKumar101/IPL_Auction GitHub Wiki


To write a wrapper for axios and error handling component for handling errors.


* Create a wrapper for "axios".
* Create a wrapper for "error handling" and add interceptors for handling errors from the response of the api. 


1. create a wrapper for axios
    * The axios file is located at app level and the file is named as "appAxios.js".
    * axios wrapper is named as ProtectedAxios. 
    * Axios is a third party library, so install axios in our react application
      (npm install axios --save).
    * The axios have the following functionalities 
                      1.1. get 
                      1.2. post 
                      1.3. delete 

  2. create a wrapper for error handling
    * The error handling file is located at app level and the file is named as "errorBoundary.container.js". 
    * Errorboundary wrapper is named as ErrorBoundary.
    * error.boundary.js uses the following lifecycles
                      2.1 "componentDidCatch(error, info)" 
                      2.2  static method "getDerivedStateFromError(error)". 
    * const ErrorBoundary has two arguments "wrappedComponent" and "axios".
    * ErrorBoundary returns a class. 
    * add interceptors to handle errors in componentDidMount(). 
    * Show user end messages.
    * Error messages are dialogues(alert dialogue boxes), should appear with a OK button.