Linux Basics for hackers p2 - MuhammadMJabr/S_Linux-Basics-For-Hackers GitHub Wiki

Welcome Again!

We will talk about:

1. Finding Stuff.

2. Filtering with grep.

3. A brief about Piping.

4. Creating Files and cat command.

Finding Stuff:

You can use the Command locate to know the location of a file in the system:

You can use also which command:

Filtering with grep and a brief about piping:

The command grep you can use it for Filtering the result of a process you did, for example if you have a file name IPs.txt containing Much IPs and you want to filter the file to reach a specific IP you can use grep "The IP". And if you want to use the filtered result with another process here you use | It enables you to do two operations with one line, the second depends on the first, for example: cat IPs.txt | grep "" here the system will open the fileIPs.txt and will filter it to give you the Ip that you searched about.

Creating Files and cat command:

The cat command followed by a filename will display the contents of that file, but to create a file, we follow the cat command with a redirect, denoted with the > symbol, and a name for the file we want to create. Here’s an example:

When you press ENTER, Linux will go into interactive mode and wait for you to start entering content for the file, and when you finish press CTRL + D to exit.

To view the file you can use cat file.txt:

And if you want to add more content to your existing file you use cat >> file.txt and the system will allow you to write like the Previous Command. For replacing the content you use the first command cat > file.txt with an existing file.

We will finish here and continue later... Thanks For Reading.

Twitter : @MuhammadMJabr