Bill Of Materials - Muellegr/SeniorDesign_ADCModule GitHub Wiki

Component List. This is generated with a little python script I made. Kicad has customizable data fields for each part - I use these to add descriptive details and part URLs that the python script uses to generate the formatted list I copy/paste below.

Part Purpose # Value References Notes
Cap 0.1u 0603 5 0.1u C1, C2, C5, C6, C8
Cap 56pF 0603 2 56pF +/-5% C3, C4
Cap 10u elec 1 10u C7
LED - Green (2V) 1 LED D1
PCI Express - CONNECTOR 1 Conn_02x18_Row_Letter_First J1
PCI Express - PCB CONN 1 Conn_02x18_Row_Letter_First J2
Input Terminals 2 Conn_01x02_Male J3, J4
8 Conn_01x01 J5, J6, J7, J8, J9, J10, J12, J13
1 Conn_01x08 J11
2 49.9 +/-1% R1, R2
2 0 R3, R4
1 470 R5
ADC AD9283 1 AD9283 U1
Oscillator - 50Mhz 1 ASE-xxxMHz X1