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Socialite Module

The socialite module let's you connect your favorite services to your Panel. This let's users on your panel login with a simple click. You can even enable an option to automatically generate an account if the user is not registered. Out of the box, the following services are supported: Discord, Google, Github, WHMCS

Please contact me on Discord if you want a custom service to be added that is not on the list.


To install the Socialite plugin for Pterodactyl, please downlaod the latest version of Socialite from where you've purchased it

Step 1:

upload all files from zip file you have downloaded to /var/www/pterodactyl

Step 2:

Now run the following command to initialize the module: cd /var/www/pterodactyl php artisan socialite:install

The installer will ask you to fill in a transaction id to validate the purchase.

Step 3:

Now setup one of the drivers to get started.

  • Discord
  • Github
  • Google

Additional Configuration

If you want to automatically create an account for the user if they're not registered, enable the following option: In file /config/socialite.php set create_account to true

If you want to disable certain drivers like Github or WHMCS In file /config/socialite.php under drivers set the status of each driver to disable a driver, simply set the value of that driver to false, example: set 'github' => true, to 'github' => false,