Building NuGet Package Without NuGet Package Explorer - MscrmTools/XrmToolBox GitHub Wiki
Against GUIs? Really love .bat files? Here is how to setup a .bat file to create a NuGet package:
- Create a folder locally (C:\Something\Nuget)
- Download NuGet.exe to folder from step 1
- Create a bat file ("Build - MyPlugin.bat")
- Edit the bat file with the Example Bat File below (assuming your NuSpec file is "MYPLUGIN.nuspec")
- Make sure you've built the latest and greatest version of your plugin dll(s), and your nuspec file is correct.
- Run the bat file. Verify the version # that get's created is correct.
- Press "Enter" to push the package to NuGet, or close the window to cancel.
#Example Bat File
echo Deleting Previous NuGet Packages
del MYPLUGIN*.nupkg
nuget.exe pack "C:\YourPath\MYPLUGIN.nuspec"
echo Press Enter to Push
nuget.exe push MYPLUGIN*.nupkg <YOUR NUGET KEY GOES HERE>