User Stories Final - Msadaf/Cse327.6T2 GitHub Wiki


As a User I want to

Sign Up

To Use this service


  • Input data fields to enter 1.Email Address 2.Phone Number 3.Birth Date 4.Password 5.Security Question
  • Password data field specification – At least need to use minimum 8 characters,1 number,1 uppercase letter,1 lowercase letter
  • Phone No. specifications – must use country code and valid number.
  • Birth Date – Minimum age 5 years.
  • Security Questions – To be determined for contents
  • valid user security Answer specification – At least 4 characters.
  •   User cannot use that number which was used before.
  • If user doesn’t fill any of this data, then He /She will be unable to sign up.
  • If users wants to change their number, they can change the number after signing up and also use the previous number for new registration.
  • After signing up, users will get a verification code for security.
  • Success: Sign Up and refer to Authentication page.
  1. “Signed Up Successfully” ticked – store and avoid sign up next time.
  2. “Signed Up Successfully” not ticked – force sign in next time.
  • Failure: display message - “”
  1. Invalid mail address
  2. Invalid Birth date
  3. Invalid Phone number
  4. Weak Password


As a User I want to

Log In

To Use this service


  • Input data field 1.Username 2.Password 3. ReCaptcha.
  • Username specification- use valid phone no.
  • Password specification- use valid password.
  • ReCpatcha data specification- To be determined
  • If users type wrong password more than five times, then by clicking “forgotten password” they can set a new password but before, they have to use a verification code for security purpose.
  • If users use this service after a very long time, then again they have to go through the security questions for security purpose but their usernames, passwords will remain same.
  • Success:
    valid user Logged In and refer to Authentication Procedure.
  1. “Logged In successfully” ticked – store and avoid log in next time.
  2. “Logged In successfully” not ticked – force login next time.
  • Failure: display message -“ ”
  1. Invalid Phone number
  2. Invalid Password
  3. unavailable – please try again later
  • Function :
  1. Forgotten password

Delete Card and Credentials Info

As a User I want to

Delete Card and Credentials Info as my wish

Of this service


  • If users want to delete any cards and credentials info, then obviously they have to first go through the ‘sign up’ and ‘add cards and credentials info’ procedure.
  • During deleting any cards and credentials info, they have to use password for security purpose.
  • If users type wrong password more than five times, then by clicking “forgotten password” they can set a new password but before, they have to use a verification code for security purpose.
  • Users also can set the expiry dates of cards at adding time and during deleting cards & credential info, they will get an alert message “ Your card is not expired still you want to delete?”
  • Success: valid information and refer to View Page. a. “Deleted Successfully” – delete all details
  • Failure: display message -“ ”
  1. Service failure, Try again later.
  2. Cannot restore from previous session

View history

As a User

I want to view history

so that I can keep track of my use of cards


1. Success:

Go to next page

  1. View all previous use as a user
  2. View most recent use as a user
  3. View frequent used cards as a user
  4. History contains Id/code, time, location of use with amount (if any)

2. Failure:

Stay on the same page if possible

display message - “”

  1. Service failure, try again later.
  2. Session expired - refer to renewal page
  3. Database not found
  4. If logged in after a very long time/ first time - No history yet

As an admin User

I want to view history

so that I can keep track of my users and confirm them


  1. View history as authorized administrator.

View offers

As a User

I want to view my offers

so that I can use them where I can.


1. Success:

Go to next page

  1. View all offers as a user
  2. View offers by category like credit card offers, ticket offers, coupons
  3. View special offers as a frequent user
  4. View special offers as a premium user
  5. Offers contain validation date and conditions
  6. If logged in from another state offer details changes (if valid)

2. Failure:

Stay on same page if possible

display message - “”

  1. Service failure, try again later.
  2. Session expired - refer to renewal page
  3. Database not found
  4. Account blocked due to error
  5. If logged in from another state that doesn’t support the offer
  6. Offer expired

As an admin User

I want to view offers

so that I can offer my customers more privilege.


  1. View offers as category like place or validation as authorized administrator
  2. View eligible users for the offer as administrator

Search cards and credentials

As a User

I want to search my cards and credentials

so that I can use them.


1. Success:

Go to next page

  1. Search by card name as user
  2. Search by category like cards, tickets others as user
  3. Search by id/number/code as user
  4. Search by priority premium cards or special coupons as user
  5. Search by location as user

2. Failure:

Stay on same page if possible

display message - “”

  1. Service failure, try again later.
  2. Session expired - refer to renewal page
  3. Database not found
  4. If the card details is not added - No match found
  5. If new user/ nothing added - No cards and credential
  6. If card has exceed expire date

As an admin User

I want to my customers' cards and credentials

so that I can manage them.


  1. Search by customer name as administrator
  2. Search by Id/code as administrator
  3. Search by location as administrator
  4. Search by popularity/ customer density as administrator

4.Add Card and Credentials Info

As a User

I want to add Card and Credentials Info

for future Use Of this service


  1. Can add cards and credentials - through submitting titles, categories, related QR / Barcode / Special Code, expire date, Descriptions and then pressing “add” button.

  2. Not logged in/signed up- cannot Add Card and Credentials Info and redirected them to the log in or sign up page.

  3. Before adding process- ask access to the camera, messaging and storage feature of their devices.

  4. For missing fields and invalid info- display error messages.

  5. After Submissions – show password protection options to secure their uses.

  6. After Submissions- show edit button.

  7. Done adding items- viewed all cards and credentials according to categories.

  8. Log out done- Save all the data under that user.

  9. After adding cards and credentials- show push notifications if the user got any privilege regarding them.

valid information and refer to Home Page. a. “Added Successfully” – store all details in database

**11.Failure: ** display message - “” a. Incorrect Card/Credentials Number b. Invalid QR/Barcode/Digits c. Expired Already d. Already Added e. Data not found f. Server failed, try again later.

5.View Card and Credentials Info

As a User

I want to add Card and Credentials Info

for future Use Of this service


  1. Can View cards and credentials info - such as titles, categories, related QR / Barcode / Special Code, expire date, Descriptions.

  2. Not logged in- display “To view you need to log in first. Click to Log in”.

  3. User want to View QR / Barcode / Special Code – Show the encrypted version for user protection.

  4. View all cards and credentials - under categories and displayed only by titles.

  5. To view other details- click on the titles.

  6. If users delete cards and credentials info – don’t display anything regarding that

  7. If the admin puts restrictions on view items – Can’t be viewed by users

  8. password protection for items – restrict view.
  9. View password protected items - submit password first

  10. Put wrong password 5 times- block view and display message “forgotten password” and repeat authentication procedure for protection.

  11. add inadequate or invalid info- can’t view items or use them in future.

  12. Server failure -users can’t view items instead a message will be displayed.

**13.Success: ** Display all stored details.

**14.Failure: ** display message -“ ” a. Nothing added to show b. Log in to View items c. Add to view items d. Service Failure, Try again later.

As a Admin User

I want to View Card and Credentials Info that my clients are using

So that I can monitor and provide facilities To my clients

  1. Can view Card and Credentials Info -that the clients of that services are using.
  2. Can monitor- the usage, share or not usage of the services of the viewed items their clients.
  3. Can Block-the the view cards and credentials to restrict use or share.

7.Share Credentials

As a User

I want to Share Credentials with my acquaintances

If I don’t want to use them in future


  1. To share cards and credentials – put phone numbers of the regarding user and share coupon, tickets etc. service.
  2. Block share for Bank Cards, Id Cards, Driver License .
  3. User for share is not registered – display message “User needs to sign up first” ,,select ok and display “share the app link through SMS to the user” Select ‘ok’: open message dialogue and share. Select ‘cancel’: return to previous page.
  4. Not logged in- “Need to log in first”,,, select ok and redirect to login page
  5. If server fails- display message ‘can’t share server failed. Try again later”.
  6. If admin restricts to share – display “Contact admin to share”
  7. Not added any items- display “Nothing added to share”
  8. Expired dates- “Expired to share”
  9. Logged in when the shared item expires and still clicked – display “Can’t show, already expired”
  10. Unknown contacts- show Block options.
  11. Blocked contacts- can’t share anything with the user who blocked them.

**12.Success: ** valid information and refer to View Page. a. “Shared Successfully” – retrieve data from previous user ,block it for them and pass it to the new user.

**13.Failure: ** display message -“ ” a. Cannot share this catagory. b. Expired c. User do not exists d. Couldn’t find the user. d. Service Failure, Try again later.


           |As a User I want to Get confirmed as a valid user (through captcha, push message to verify Of   this service|
  • When users sign up and select reCaptcha a verification code pop up to user’s phone/device.
  • If any user forget his/her password, they have to select forget password option then again select reCaptcha and again a verification code will come to users phone and they can reset their password.
  • If any user lost his/her phone then the verification code will come to his/her email.
  • If any user doesn’t use their account more than one year, then some questions will be asked for verification.
  • If any type of verification doesn’t workout then automatically a verification code will be sent to a trusted contact.


1. Success: valid user authentication and refer to Home Page.

a. “Confirmed” ticked – store and avoid authentication next time.

2. Failure: display message -“ ” a. Incorrect digits entered b. Didn’t get any code for confirmation? Try again.

View Push Notifications

        |As a User I want to View push Notifications To be informed of expired, security or regarding updates.|
  • If any type of offer is available will come as a push notification when a user added his/her card and credentials.
  • If user password is not protected properly, it will send notification repeatedly.
  • If new features added or any update information about system it will be informed by push notification.
  • A remainder will be sent to the user as expire date of his/her card comes closer.
  • If user shares his/her coupon, then “Share successful” notification will be appeared.
  • If server down or any other inconvenience occurred and after solving the issues, an auto notification will be appeared.


1. Success: Valid information and refer to page as per notifications. (such as if its about adding passwords then it will direct to View cards and Credentials) a. go to referred page and take usual steps.

2. Failure:

display message - “”

a. Service failure, try again later. b. Session expired.