USER STORY (Authentication & Push Notification) - Msadaf/Cse327.6T2 GitHub Wiki


           |As a User I want to Get confirmed as a valid user (through captcha, push message to verify Of   this service|
  • When users sign up and select reCaptcha a verification code pop up to user’s phone/device.
  • If any user forget his/her password, they have to select forget password option then again select reCaptcha and again a verification code will come to users phone and they can reset their password.
  • If any user lost his/her phone then the verification code will come to his/her email.
  • If any user doesn’t use their account more than one year, then some questions will be asked for verification.
  • If any type of verification doesn’t workout then automatically a verification code will be sent to a trusted contact.


1. Success: valid user authentication and refer to Home Page.

a. “Confirmed” ticked – store and avoid authentication next time.

2. Failure: display message -“ ” a. Incorrect digits entered b. Didn’t get any code for confirmation? Try again.

View Push Notifications

        |As a User I want to View push Notifications To be informed of expired, security or regarding updates.|
  • If any type of offer is available will come as a push notification when a user added his/her card and credentials.
  • If user password is not protected properly, it will send notification repeatedly.
  • If new features added or any update information about system it will be informed by push notification.
  • A remainder will be sent to the user as expire date of his/her card comes closer.
  • If user shares his/her coupon, then “Share successful” notification will be appeared.
  • If server down or any other inconvenience occurred and after solving the issues, an auto notification will be appeared.


1. Success: Valid information and refer to page as per notifications. (such as if its about adding passwords then it will direct to View cards and Credentials) a. go to referred page and take usual steps.

2. Failure:

display message - “”

a. Service failure, try again later. b. Session expired.