Meeting Agenda 2 - Msadaf/Cse327.6T2 GitHub Wiki

Meeting Agenda

Date and Time: 09-November-2019 at 1:00 pm

Location: NSU cafeteria

Information Updates/Reminder

  • The team will use java as the programming language for the project.

  • Android studio will be used as the tool (for implementation purpose) by the team.

Decisions Needed

  • Decision about the coding standard that the team will use in the project.
  • Decision about the documentation tool that the team will use in the project.
  • Decision about how to submit UI diagrams.

General Items

  • Need to update the GitHub wiki with the details of selected coding standard.
  • Need to update the GitHub wiki with the details of selected documentation tool.
  • Need to add columns in Trello board and assign respective task to the members.
  • Allocate two team members to do ER diagram.
  • Allocate two team members to write database schema.
  • Allocate team members to do UI for their functions and set the deadline.
  • All the members need to study on git merge conflict and how to deal with them.