Cura: 2 Setting Custom Start and End Code - Mrnt/OctoPrint-FlashForge GitHub Wiki
After adding a printer to Cura (Settings > Printer > Add Printer...), you can configure custom G-code blocks to be added at the start and end of the print file sent to the printer. These blocks take care of preparing the printer for printing (by homing the x, y, z axes, etc) and at the end of the file ensure that the heaters are turned off. Each printer requires slightly different settings.
In Cura, go to Settings > Printer > Manage Printers... then select your printer from the list and click Machine Settings. Select the Printer tab then copy the relevant g-code blocks for your printer from the following section to the Start G-code and End G-code sections at the bottom of the settings dialog.
FlashForge Finder/Dreamer
Start G-code
;start custom gcode initialization for FF Dreamer
M118 X30.19 Y25.77 Z12.00 T0 ;?
M107 ;fan off
G90 ;use absolute positioning
G28 ;home all axes
M132 X Y Z A B ;recall offsets
G1 Z50.00 F400 ;move z axis up
G161 X Y F3300 ;send x, y to their minimum
M907 X100 Y100 Z40 A80 B20 ;set stepper motor current
G1 Z.20 F400 ;set z axis starting position
;end custom gcode initialization
End G-code
;start custom gcode termination for FF Dreamer/Finder
M107 ;fan off
M104 S0 T0 ;turn heaters off
M104 S0 T1
M140 S0 T0
G162 Z ;send z axis to max
G28 X Y ;home x, y
M132 X Y Z A B ;recall offsets
G91 ;use relative positioning
M18 ;disable steppers
;end custom gcode termination
PowerSpec Ultra 3D
End G-code
;start custom gcode termination for PowerSpec Ultra 3D
M107 ;fan off
M104 S0 T0 ;turn heaters off
M104 S0 T1
M140 S0 T0
G91 ;use absolute positioning
G1 Z140 F3300 ;send z axis to max
G28 X0 Y0 ;home x, y
M132 X Y Z A B ;recall offsets
G91 ;use relative positioning
M18 ;disable steppers
;end custom gcode termination