Cura: 1 Adding A Printer - Mrnt/OctoPrint-FlashForge GitHub Wiki
Follow these steps for adding support for a FlashForge/Dremel/PowerSpec printer to Cura:
In Cura:
- Go to Settings > Printer > Add Printer...
- Expand the section Add a non-networked printer
- Click the subsection Custom and select Custom FFF printer
- In the text box at the bottom of the dialog enter a name for your new printer, eg FlashForge Finder
- Click the Add button at the bottom of the dialog
A new dialog should appear allowing you to enter the printer configuration:
On the Printer tab:
- Enter the dimensions in mm for the X, Y and Z axes
- Set Build plate shape to rectangular
- Select Origin at center
- Select Heated bed if your printer has one (FF Dreamer, PowerSpec, Dremel)
- Set G-code flavor to Marlin
- Set Number of Extruders to the correct number for your printer
- Enter any relevant G-code in the Start G-code and End G-code sections based on files generated by FlashPrint (or Dremel Studio). There are some examples here though note that you may need to tinker with this based on what Cura adds anyway and use the Cura placeholders for active extruder in your start block.
For each Extruder tab:
- Set Nozzle size (typically 0.4mm)
- Set Compatible material diameter to 1.75mm
- Nozzle offset X, Y to 0 (because the firmware takes care of this)
- Cooling Fan Number is 0 for extruder 1 (and 1 for the second extruder if present)