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An OctoPrint plugin to allow communication with some FlashForge, Dremel and PowerSpec 3D printers.

General Observations

  • For the Finder v1, PowerSpec Ultra (and probably the other printers), connections via USB seem to require the host to send a command no less frequently than every 4 seconds or the printer appears to drop the connection.
  • Print files for the Adventurer, Adventurer lite, Creator 3, Dreamer, Dreamer NX, Finder, Guider, Inventor II do not have line numbers ie they have <some command here>\n<some command here>\n... instead of N1 <some command here>\nN2 <some command here>\n...
  • Print files for the Creator Max, Guider II, Guider IIs, Inventor do have line numbers N1 <some command here>\nN2 <some command here>\n...

G-Code Command Reference

There is an evolving list of commands that seem to be supported by the FlashForge, Dremel and PowerSpec printers here: FlashForge G Code Commands

Other G-Code Command Reference Sources (not FlashForge specific - for reference only)

RepRap (includes descriptions for other firmware) - https://reprap.org/wiki/G-code

Marlin - https://marlinfw.org/meta/gcode/

Incomplete Makerbot - http://makerbot.wikidot.com/gcode and http://replicat.org/mcodes

Configuring Cura

Cura does not have built in support for FlashForge, Dremel and PowerSpec printers so follow these steps to add your printer.

You can configure Cura to upload the g-code file it generates directly to the printer by configuring a connection to the OctoPrint instance controlling the printer.