app - MridulS/pysal GitHub Wiki
This application is based on ApplicationTemplate2016
sub org info
Which python sub-org are you applying to work with?
student info
- Name: Mridul Seth
- GitHub: MridulS
- Email: [email protected]
- Time Zone: UTC +5:30 IST
- GSoC Blog RSS feed: to-be-updated
About: Hello, I am third year undergraduate student at BITS Pilani KK Birla Goa Campus double majoring in Mathematics and Electronics Engineering. I have been working with python for over 2.5 years now and I am comfortable with git. I participated in GSoC 2015 and successfully completed the project as a student with NetworkX, Python Software Foundation.
code sample
Link to a patch/code sample, preferably one you have submitted to your sub-org (*)
- Replace deprecated np.rank with np.ndim #748
- [WIP] Add J function to network submodule #752
- Add initial unittests for centrography #26
- [Add initial tests for pointpattern and some code improvement in #25] (
- Add superimpose to point pattern #30
- Add unique to point pattern #34
- Fixed logical bug in PointPattern #29
- Add centrography methods to the namespace #27
More to come :)
project info
Proposal Title:
PySAL: Extending Point Pattern Analysis (PPA) Module
Proposal Abstract:
The goal of this project is to create a comprehensive Point Pattern Analysis (PPA) module with robust tests. The initial work has been started in this branch. The project will also include creating example jupyter notebooks and documentation. spatstat will serve as a good reference to start with.
Specific activities/goals as mentioned on the (ideas age)[]:
- additional tests/additional test coverage
- optimization of envelopes and simulation based inference
- algorithmic improvements and speedups
- additional statistical tests and generating processes
- development of educational resources
Proposal Detailed Description/Timeline (*):
More details up soon
other commitments
Do you have any other commitments during the main GSoC time period, May 23rd to August 23rd?
Have you applied with any other organizations? If so, do you have a preferred project/org? (This will help us in the event that more than one organization decides they wish to accept your proposal.)
extra information
University info
- University Name: BITS Pilani KK Birla Goa Campus, India
- Major: Mathematics + Electronics Engineering
- Current Year and Expected Graduation date: 3rd year, May 2018
- Degree (e.g. BSc, PhD): MSc(Hons.) and B.E.(Hons)