Roadmap: PySAL - MridulS/pysal GitHub Wiki
PySAL releases new versions every 6 months. Early on in a release cycle the developers meet to prioritize work for the cycle. Below is a listing of the areas that have been identified as key areas of focus for the next cycle. They are categorized by difficulty (Hard, Medium, Easy) and priority (0-3) with 0 being most important. The particular PySAL module is listed together with the developers primarily responsible for these areas.
Release 1.8, July 31, 2014
- (H,0) Spatial Networks (network: Serge, Jay)
- generation of WED from polyline shapefiles
- core spatial analysis algorithms for networks
- (M,2) Inequality and diversity measures (inequality: Dani, Serge)
- diversity indices from Dani’s Amsterdam research
- (M,1) visualization (contrib: Dani, Serge)
- basemap free choropleth mapping
- layers
- (M,1) clusterpy integration (serge)
Release 1.7, January 31, 2014
- (H,0) Maximum Likelihood Estimation (spreg: Luc, Serge)
- Implement error and lag model ml estimators
- Alternative optimization approaches
- (H,0) Spatial Networks (network: Serge, Jay)
- generation of WED from polyline shapefiles
- core spatial analysis algorithms for networks
- (M,2) Inequality and diversity measures (inequality: Dani, Serge)
- diversity indices from Dani’s Amsterdam research
- (M,1) visualization (contrib: Dani, Serge)
- basemap free choropleth mapping
- layers
Release 1.6, July 31, 2013
- (H,0) Maximum Likelihood Estimation (spreg: Luc, Serge)
- Implement error and lag model ml estimators
- Alternative optimization approaches
- (H,0) Spatial Networks (network: Serge, Jay)
- generation of WED from polyline shapefiles
- core spatial analysis algorithms for networks
- (M,2) Inequality and diversity measures (inequality: Dani, Serge)
- spatial gini decomposition from Rey and Smith 2013
- diversity indices from Dani’s Amsterdam research
- (M,1) visualization (contrib: Dani, Serge)
- basemap free choropleth mapping
- layers