Network Development - MridulS/pysal GitHub Wiki
This is pulled from NetworkX as an example of how they are representing a graph:
The Graph class uses a dict-of-dict-of-dict data structure.
The outer dict (node_dict) holds adjacency lists keyed by node.
The next dict (adjlist) represents the adjacency list and holds
edge data keyed by neighbor. The inner dict (edge_attr) represents
the edge data and holds edge attribute values keyed by attribute names.
Each of these three dicts can be replaced by a user defined
dict-like object. In general, the dict-like features should be
maintained but extra features can be added. To replace one of the
dicts create a new graph class by changing the class(!) variable
holding the factory for that dict-like structure. The variable names
are node_dict_factory, adjlist_dict_factory and edge_attr_dict_factory.
node_dict_factory : function, (default: dict)
Factory function to be used to create the outer-most dict
in the data structure that holds adjacency lists keyed by node.
It should require no arguments and return a dict-like object.
adjlist_dict_factory : function, (default: dict)
Factory function to be used to create the adjacency list
dict which holds edge data keyed by neighbor.
It should require no arguments and return a dict-like object
edge_attr_dict_factory : function, (default: dict)
Factory function to be used to create the edge attribute
dict which holds attrbute values keyed by attribute name.
It should require no arguments and return a dict-like object.