Developer meetings - MridulS/pysal GitHub Wiki
- Whole-library development conversations
- Soft dependency structure and implementation
- Relative tolerance levels for testing all over library
- Who/When do we merge 2 to 3
- Alternative release models (repurposing code freeze, rolling release + stable pegs)
- Windows builds
- 1.11 development priorities
- Blue Sky for next cycle:
- Soft dependency structure
- Weights from GeoJSON/GeoInterface
- 2 to 3
- others???
- 2to3 port
- tests pass in both now, but need to kick the tires
- merge upstream when ready?
- long-term development questions: develop in 2.7 always? or switch to 3 and port backwards?
- Most people are writing python3-ready code anyway
- Soft dependency
- Would enable interop with Fiona, Statsmodels, Viz (seaborn + mpl + cartopy + ...), Pandas, patsy
- Need to come up with structure for this (module like
?) - Core experience should be compatible with numpy-only systems.
- (LJW) computations should take numpy, return numpy. Interfaces should take input and return same type in output (if possible)
- Weights from GeoJSON/GeoInterface
- like an extension of older pysal/shapely interface shim
- gives us nice interplay with geopandas
- Developer practices
- projects in coming cycle should have one fork where the commits "live"
- i.e. Serge working on wconstructor, makes a branch on his fork. All contributions go to his fork. He keeps it level with
and submits a PR when ready. - people need to
git remote add
more developers' forks to make this work
- might not use scipy sparsegraph (too many restrictions)
- how to allocate attributes from polys to edges
2-3 Port
- looking for spreg testing of the 2-3 port
- also need to do this in region
- roughly an hour's work to do this for a module
- convert int to float division
- clone from lw 2-3 conversion branch
- can install python-modernize via pip
weights abstraction
- look into pyshp (geospatial python)
- exploit geointerface
- bind attributes to shapes and deal with id variables more cleanly
- flyweight object using references to values rather than values in the json
1.10 priorities
- [network enhancement] ( (lead JL)
- df and students will start drafting test/use cases
- check out other modules (someone add the names)
- 2-3 port (lead LW)
- target an aag sprint around this
- weight construction abstraction (lead SR)
- maybe start a contrib module to explore other possible dependencies
- work in master simultaneously with no additional dependencies
1.10 priorities
- [network enhancement] ( (lead JL)
- 2-3 port (lead LW)
- weight construction abstraction (lead SR)
- code review (lead DF - tentatively)
Development organization
The leads above will push forward on the three threads. Anyone interested in working on one or more of those threads should ping the lead. We will also create a public branch for each thread and have a wiki page for each thread that documents progress. Leads will create the wiki page and branch for these three areas.
- 1.9 release recap
- hard deadline for release
- more testing needed
- 1.10 possibiltiies
- network
- tests
- docs
- optimize
- service areas on the network
- what is the relationship to networkx
- point pattern module
- move stuff from network out
- wei's stuff rom geocomp
- fileio
- geojson support
- fileio
- replace fileio for 2.0
- spreg
- multilevel
- panels
- Bayesian methods
- probit
- spatial dynamics
- rank markov
- options for spatial markov
- esda
- crand
- region
- maxp work
- aspiration functions
- generalizing the objective function
- generalizing across methods
- pregion in?
- maxp work
- contrib
- spatial interaction module
- hadoop and pysal
- network
- Review issues/tickets
- network
- 2-3 port
- other
- network
- 2-3 port
- standardization of repr/reports
- narsc presentations
- narsc sprint
- other
Tentative Agenda
- Workshops (sr)
- foss4g
- giscience
- narsc
- Status reports for 1.9 areas
- network (jl+sr)
- spreg
- spatial sur (la, da)
- multilevel (la, pa)
- point patterns (sr)
- 3.0 port (lw, ps)
- pysal-viz (xl, da, sr)
- Notebooks
- Other
- 1.9 release plans
- spatial dynamics
- network
- jay and me
- porting in charlie's stuff
- spreg
- multilevel (luc + dani)
- spatial sur (luc + pedro)
- 3.0 port
- make a branch and bite the bullet
- fall sprint
- other
- geonyc
- network
- d3viz
- 1.8 Release plans
- SciPy Sprint
- Other
- clusterpy
- wmd
- new bugs
- spreg integration and conflicts
- spreg pandas
- scipy logistics
- 1.8 release organization
- next meeting June 27 or July 11
- release managers
- other
network module
- update
- Scheduled focused mtg with interested devs
documentation effort
- tutorial
- notebook tutorials
- books
- ipython notebooks
- table of contents
- use
- write content by module
- other responsible for rendering
- notebook tutorials
- Keep in contrib
- Add doc links which are currently missing
- who is going
- what do we want to do
- options
- tutorial check on the level we want to do
- how many
- regular paper(s)
- Dave regionalization
- Jay contiguity
- birds of a feather session (bof)
- pysal-geopandas
- spreg-statsmodels
- sprint
- tutorial
- options
- split teams
- Teams
- implementation
- Get initial implementation
- Widen coverage of spatial analysis in pysal
- optimization
- Enhance initial implementations
- Scale
- Speed
- Enhance initial implementations
- implementation
- Issues
- api design is important
- flag items as
- fast
- warning if not
- do this upfront
- in the documentation
- Teams