Values - Mrcarrot1/KarrotObjectNotation GitHub Wiki

Values are just that- a value in a node.

Each instance of the KONNode class contains a dictionary of values. A value may be queried by its key. Only one value may have a given key in a node. Attempting to add another one causes an error.

Values are represented by the following syntax:

    key = value

Values and their keys are stored as strings in the KONNode class. They are accessible in the dictionary KONNode.Values. As of KON 0.1.2, multiline values are supported. The KONParser and KONWriter classes will automatically handle this in most cases, but should you need to edit files directly, a line break is represented by the string \n.

As of KON 1.0, values may contain KON reserved characters(such as []{}=;) so long as a backslash \ precedes them. The parser and writer will typically handle this.