Code Conventions - MrShoor/AvalancheProject GitHub Wiki
all project units are prefixed with av- prefixed (avRes, avMain).. except for (ContextSwitcher... todo: find out why so? )
public types are prefixed Tav- (i.e. TavMainRender)
constants don't have any specific prefix
usage of exceptions is allowed. There's no common "Exception" class, thus direct inheritance from Classes.Exception should be used.
COM interfaces are used. However, some of the classes would not allow reference-counting (see TNoRefObject)
generics are welcomed
Classes public properties - if a value is read-only and requires a function call - instead of declearing read-only property - make the function as a public and name it as property. (i.e. "function Inited3d()" instead of "funcction GetInited3d()" or "property Inited3d read GetInited3()")