Iteration Design Document - MrMypurse/CART315 GitHub Wiki
Horror game, Game prototype
Unity 2020.2.1F1 Windows
You find yourself in the deepest corner of an infinite forest, with nothing but a bottle of pills in your pocket. The forest seems to be unordinary, with creatures lurking in the shadows and mysteries to discover. What is this place? Who are you? How do you escape? Maybe you should take a pill to find out...
First-person control (walking, running, and taking pills)
Boreal Forest Environment
Horror Atmosphere
Switch perspective to find clues
Game Test Questions:
Was the game scary? If not, how can it be improved?
Were the controls easy to use? Did you check out the Controls menu from the main menu to learn how to play?
Was there any issue with the audio?
Did you have a sense of the storyline? How do you think the story will develop?
Did you encounter bugs? (Delay with E key on my end)
Would you prefer a story-based game where you explore your surroundings or a game with more actions (fighting enemies)?
Thank you for playing!
Feedback from playtesting
The controls are easy to use and there is no major issue
There is no issue with the audios
The phone audio and the door audio will keep playing if the player spams the E button.
A health or sanity can be implemented to prevent the players from spamming the E button, it will also cause a sense of tension, as the players know that they can die in the game
Adding enemies that will either attack/chase/simply lurk in the shadow can create a good sense of tension during gameplay
Playtesters suggest that the game can be improved by having visual cues of what the pill looks like and the player should be able to physically pick it up.