Source Control Guidelines - MrCeleryman/ParmyayMobile GitHub Wiki

Welcome to Parmyay's source control guidelines!

You must be a developer who loves parm(y)(i)(a)s!

Branch Naming

In the following keys, square brackets donate an element that may not always be required/relevant.

  • Patching - patch-project_component-#issueNo
    • E.g. patch-settings-#4 and patch-scrollbar-#45
  • Feature - feature-project_component[-#issueNo]
    • E.g. feature-scrollbar and feature-menu-#3
  • Improvement- improvement-project_component[-#issueNo]
    • E.g. improvement-scrollbar and improvement-menu-#3

File Naming

File names which include the extensions:

  • .js
  • .html
  • .json

Must be done in camel case and be named appropriately to the the files function

  • E.g. triSwitch.js and app.js