Vanilla Tweaks - MrBurdy/More-Machinery-Features GitHub Wiki
Using an axe on a waxed copper block gives back the honeycomb.
Dispenser can place all the blocks and can mine blocks if it has the right tool.
'Silk Touch' enchantment allows to collect the 'spawner'.
- Number of bees and honey is now displayed when you retrieve their hives/nests:
- Bucket of Axolot, the texture changes according to the color of the Axolotl.
- Totem of Undying will now save you from falling into the void in the End dimension. It will teleport to the main island.
- Villagers will now appear with a names randomly chosen from 1000 different names.
Cobbled Deepslate and the Blackstone, can now be used in the following crafts: Observer, Piston, Dispenser, Dropper, Lever, Diorite, Andesite.
Shulker will now drop two Shulker shells.
You no longer need 'Silk Touch' to break the Ender Chest.
Silverfish will drop 0 to 3 iron nuggets. ( +2 at each level of 'Looting')
Bat will drop bat leather. (4 bat leathers will give in a workbench 1 normal leather)
Dark oak leaves will drop 4 times more dark oak saplings.
A new junk when fishing, the Empty Can. Smelting it will give an iron ingot.