Endless Dungeon - MrBurdy/More-Machinery-Features GitHub Wiki
To access the dimension, you have to press the 'crouch' key and be on the block in question, to exit you will have to do the same but on the block that appears in the dimension.
Starter kit will be provided:
- 12 Door Keys that will open the different doors of the dungeon.
- 4 glowstones, to be able to respawn with the Respawn Anchor.
- 2 chorus fruit which once eaten, will teleport you to the first room.
- 1 compass pointing to the first room.
- 1 map
Your goal will be to go from room to room, there are different types:
- Common: these are the normal and most common rooms.
- Beacon: a room with an active Beacon.
- Trade: the room where the villagers will propose you to trade.
- Safe: a peaceful room, with beds, chests and sometimes iron golems to protect you.
- Teleporter: the teleporter room always works in pairs. Room A, teleports you to room B and room B, teleports you to room A.
- Boss: a dangerous room but where you can find unique items.
A map will be very useful to help you find your way around:
Some rooms will have a colored block, this one will open with the key of the same color. These blocks are important because they contain unique items according to their colors/rarities:
- White will give "common" quality equipment.
- Green will give "uncommon " quality equipment.
- Blue will give "rare" quality equipment.
- Purple will give "epic" quality equipment.
- Orange will give "legendary" quality equipment.
- Red will give "boss" quality equipment.
Sometimes you may find a cracked stone bricks that can be mined with a pickaxe. Below it will be a chest full of useful items. The pickaxe can be purchased from the villagers and found randomly in chests.
Rarely, a large room will be generated, this one will be inhabited by a boss. There are currently 3 different bosses, they will give their dead an item specific to each boss, a boss key and their head.
The Skeleton boss and the Zombie boss are both currently in beta, their fights will be improved in a future update.
If you run out of Door Key here's how to craft it: